
Treat Acne

Acnes are known to be caused by blocked skin pores. During puberty, male hormones known as androgen are found in both sexes. This hormone stimulates the production of sebaceous glands. Sebum, which is a natural lubricant secreted by the skin gets trapped in these blocked pores resulting in bacterial infection Acnes are not only a painful experience physically, but also mentally, since acnes can lead to disfigurement and scarring. Acnes are more prevalent among the teenage bracket.

It is most important that treatment methods be adopted to treat acne even at an early stage. If untreated the condition can lead to not only physical scarring, but also can affect the mental state of the person. Dejection and attitude problems can arise and a self inflicted stigma can give rise to serious mental depressions.

Advancement in this field has given rise to various procedures to treat acne. Herbal, Homeopathy, Allopathic and other alternate treatment methods are followed. They are determined by the health professional who determines the appropriate steps to be followed to treat acne for different persons.

Since acne is formed as a result of bacterial action, it is important that, we need extremely effective cleansing products to kill off the bacteria. Today, many kinds of cleansing products, such as antiseptic bath soaps, lotions and creams are available in the market. Generally, these products contain antifungal and antibacterial agents. Maintaining a healthy skin can be an effective first step to treat acne.

It is important to keep your face well cleansed and free from dogging oils. Do not over cleanse the skin since it can only lead to stripping off its natural protective layer of oils. This can make things worse by encouraging the body to produce even more oil and leaving the skin without its natural protection from pollutants and bacteria.

Many 'spot creams' used to treat acne contain benzoyl peroxide and sulphur, antiseptics which effectively help control the growth of bacteria. Use all creams containing these substances carefully and with medical supervision. Herbal remedies now available in the market to treat acnes could always be a safer bet. Yoga, naturopathy, and homeopathy are effective remedies to counter the bane of acne.