
Great Unusual, Exotic Baby Names

Choosing your baby's name is a difficult process! Don't fight over it, many compromises can become a beautiful name. Exotic baby names are appealing and enhances your child's individual-ness in your eyes. Plus, there won't be five other kids in their classes with the same name! First, each parent should write down their top choices, including grandparents, brothers, sisters, or parents that they would like to honor by naming your child after them. Out of this list, both decide what you love, or can't stand.

Some names can be made more exotic just by changing the spelling. Adding two names together by hyphenating can take care of two different choices if they sound good together. Rose and Lynn could be Rose-Lynn, much more exotic than the two are separated. You can also combine both of your choices for one unique name as well. For example, Jessica and Susan could become Jessan, or Susica, providing a really exotic, different name. Always think of your future kids, though, and how easy it is to sound out, or spell, or be made fun of! Think of not only the unique quality of the name, but also of the meaning, which might be exotic itself. Teagan, a girls name of Irish origin sounds different, and means "beautiful."

Different cultures are a perfect place to search for more exotic sounding names that are not as popular, so start looking for your perfect exotic baby names today!