
Piri Reis Map

In 1929, a group of historians found an amazing map drawn on a gazelle skin.

Research showed that it was a genuine document drawn in 1513 by Piri Reis, a famous admiral of the Turkish fleet in the sixteenth century.

His passion was cartography. His high rank within the Turkish navy allowed him to have a privileged access to the Imperial Library of Constantinople.

The Turkish admiral admits in a series of notes on the map that he compiled and copied the data from a large number of source maps, some of which dated back to
the fourth century BC or earlier.

The Kid's Republic Bookstore

This space was designed by Sako, Japan’s leading architecture firm, for Poplar Picture Bookstore, Japan’s largest children’s book publisher. If my local library looked like this when I was a kid, I'd pester my mum to take me everyday! This is amazing use of space and architecture.

12 National Flags Made Out of Food


Breathtaking Sand Sculptures