
Soil Preparation

Soils are grouped under three headings: Sand, Loam and Clay. All require the same basic cultivation but at different times of the year.

Sandy soils are made of coarse particles. They should be dug over and dressed with organic matter in January and February, this ensures valuable nutrients are not washed away by rain.

Clay soils have particles so small that water does not pass through easily. Dig over in the Fall so that the frost can break it down. Compost and manure added in spring will help improve their workability.

Loam soils can vary in structure. Usually they are easier to work. Dig over in winter adding compost or manure to improve its condition.
  • Always test your soils pH with a chemical test kit. Don't forget 7 is neutral, below 7 is acid and above 7 is alkali.
  • Adding lime to your soil corrects acidity and improves workability releasing minerals in acid soils.
  • Soils with too much alkalinity need dressing with farm manure or peat.